Get Replica!

Replica is a totally free card game developed by scientists, designers, educators and boardgamers from all over the world.

Learn the secrets of molecular biology while having fun.

Fill out the form below to receive the game!

    The first really fun card game for learning biology!

    A journey through the amazing world of DNA and RNA

    Created by experts and PHDs from all over the world

    Make your own way to play

    Even people who don't like biology love the game

    The fantastic world of cells!

    How does our genetic material work? What is DNA used for? What is the function of RNA? Are you curious to answer these questions? Then Replica is the right game for you! We want to spread the knowledge of Molecular Biology to everyone, because we believe that inside everyone lives a curious scientist.
    With Replica, anyone will learn all about RNA and DNA. Welcome to the fantastic world of cells!

    Those who play recommend!

    David Gonçalves

    "I loved the game model as it is fun and simple to teach. Even I learn from it!"

    Joana Allegri

    "We tested it at school and the students are loving it."

    Luana Silva

    "I always liked biology now I am loving it..."